We build, operate, process, and transport natural gas resources




About the Project

Q. When was Ghana Gas set up?

Ans: Ghana Gas was incorporated in July 2011

Q. Why was Ghana Gas formed?

Ans: Ghana Gas was set up following recommendations by a Gas Development Task Force that was commissioned by late President Mills, to build, own and operate infrastructure required for the gathering, processing, transporting and marketing of natural gas resources in the country.

Q. Will Ghana Gas retail LPG?

Ans: Ghana Gas is a mid-stream gas business company. The LPG produced from the processing plant will be sold to bulk distributors for onward retail in the country and beyond.

Q. Where is the Gas Processing Plant (GPP) sited?

Ans: The 150 Million Metric Standard Cubic Feet per day capacity GPP is being constructed at Atuabo in the Ellembele District of the Western Region of Ghana.

Q. Why has the site changed from Bonyere to Atuabo?

Ans: The decision to relocate Ghana's first gas processing plant from Bonyere to Atuabo is due to technical and geodetic reasons.

Q.Why is the Gas Pipeline constructed from Atuabo to Aboadze?

Ans: The 111km gas pipeline is being constructed from Atuabo where the GPP is to be sited to Aboadze to feed VRA's gas fired power plant to generate electricity.

Q. Will Ghana Gas extend the pipeline to other areas of the country?

Ans: Ghana Gas is also constructing a 75km lateral pipeline from Essiama in the Ellembele District to Prestea in the Prestea Huni-Valley District of the Western Region for power generation.

Q. How much gas will Ghana Gas receive from the Jubilee Partners?

Ans: Ghana Gas expects to receive between 70-120 MMSCFpd of gas from the Jubilee Partners.

Health & Safety

Q. Does Ghana Gas have a HSE policy?

Ans: Yes. Ghana Gas has put in place a comprehensive HSE Management System and is committed to conducting business in a manner that ensures the health and safety of employees, our host communities and the general public, and protecting the environment.

Q. Is the pipeline safe from saboteurs?

Ans: The pipeline is trenched according to international standards. There will be a centralized 24-hour Control Room remote monitoring of the entire pipeline by trained personnel for early detection and response to any event. Security personnel have been deployed at strategic points along the Right of Way to monitor and deter any criminal acts.

Q. Is there the possibility of gas leak?

Ans: Ghana Gas has in place proactive preventive maintenance program for all gas facilities and this will minimize possibility of gas leaks resulting from equipment failures.

Q. Can I drive on the ROW if my road is blocked/flooded or in bad condition?

Ans: No, it is not safe to drive on the ROW. Vehicle movement along ROW will disturb the soil layer which protects the pipeline and will cause soil erosion to expose the pipeline. Also, vehicle engines are sources of ignition which can ignite gas in case of a gas leak.

Q. Is there the possibility of an explosion at the GPP or pipeline?

Ans: No. The pipeline, GPP and all other gas facilities have been designed to withstand the maximum operating pressures and loads. Safety shutdown systems have been installed and will initiate an automatic safety shutdown in case of any abnormal operating conditions. Additionally, trained personnel will monitor 24/7 from the control center and will respond to any adverse operating condition.

Q. Will people die after breathing any gas leak?

Ans: No. The gas is highly flammable but not toxic. However, it is not safe to stay close to a gas leak since injuries can result from other causes.

Q. How is the pipeline monitored for leaks/sabotage?

Ans: Trained personnel monitor operations and status of critical equipment remotely from a control center through a fiber optic data acquisition system. Security personnel have been deployed at strategic locations along the ROW to monitor and deter criminal activities.

The Environment

Q. Has Ghana Gas conducted an impact assessment on the project?

Ans: Yes. Ghana Gas has conducted an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment on the project and submitted the reports to the EPA as required by law.

Q. What is the impact of the project on the environment?

Ans: The Environmental and Social Impact Assessment showed that the project has minimal localized impacts on the environment. The EPA was satisfied with the outcome of the assessment and has issued the required permits.

Local Content

Q: Does Ghana Gas have a local content policy?

Ans: Yes, we do. Our local content policy reflects our commitment to capacity building, value addition and employment generation within the industry.

Q: How many Ghanaians have been engaged on the project?

Ans: Over 500 Ghanaians have been engaged on the project in various areas of skilled and unskilled employment.

Q: How is Ghana Gas managing the expectations of the local youth especially in the project affected communities?

Ans: We are committed to stakeholder management, and have employed local Community Team Liaisons (CLA'S) who provide a feedback loop between the Company and the Community. The Community Affairs Department keeps abreast of Community issues and uses data gathered by CLA's to inform the content of sensitization programs within the Community. As a result of such exercises, the host communities specifically, the local youth are well versed in the areas of benefit they can expect from a project such as ours.

Q: Can I get employment at Ghana Gas?

Ans: Vacancies will be posted on the website and advertised when they become available.

Q: How do I get employed on the project?

Ans: The company is no longer actively recruiting but will advertise vacancies as and when it becomes necessary.

Q: How will Ghana Gas help develop people needed for a successful gas industry in Ghana?

Ans: The company is committed to developing its human capital and views its continued investment into training and leadership programs as the correct approach to achieving a highly qualified workforce.

Q: How can I be a service provider/ contractor to Ghana Gas?

Ans: The Company will advertise in the print media when specialist services are required. Interested parties may then respond accordingly.

Q: How do I become a supplier to Ghana Gas?

Ans: Ghana Gas has already pre-qualified suppliers for small contracts. With regards to thresholds above price quotation (small contracts - GH₵20,000.00 ) we advertise in the newspapers and prospective suppliers/contractors/consultants are encouraged to look in the print media, preferably Daily Graphic and Ghanaian Times.


Q. What is the size of Ghana's gas reserves?

Ans: Ghana's probable reserves are estimated at approximately 5TCF (Trillion cubic feet). Possible reserves or 3p are those unproven reserves which analysis of geological and engineering data suggest are less likely to be recoverable than probable reserves. Proven reserves or 1p are those mass of petroleum that can be estimated with reasonable certainty to be commercially recoverable by analysis of geological and engineering data, from given date forward, from known reservoirs and under contemporary economic conditions and operating methods. Probable reserves are those unproven reserves in which analysis of geological and engineering data suggests a more likelihood than not to be recoverable.

Q. What is Ghana Gas' supply focus?

Ans: Our primary focus will be supplying gas to the domestic / local market, partly meeting our national gas demands for generating power. Until such time that the domestic market demand is met, Ghana Gas will unlikely pursue export markets.

Q. Is Ghana Gas buying the gas from gas producers, and if so, at what price?

Ans: Yes, the first 200bcf of associated gas will be given to the government of Ghana. Any gas beyond 200bcf will be sold to Ghana Gas directly from the producers at a (producer-deemed) market price. The pricing of associated and non-associated gas differs due to the purchasing price of obtaining the gas and the priority given it during production processes. The pricing of lean gas and NGL (Products from processed gas) are regulated by PURC and NPA.

Q. Who are the main regulating bodies of Ghana Gas and our main customers?

Ans: Ghana Gas is a midstream operator and is regulated by all regulating agencies in the energy sector. We are regulated in three stages of the Petroleum Industry value chain: Our upstream activities are regulated by Petroleum Commission Our midstream activities are regulated by Energy Commission Our downstream activities are regulated by NPA and PURC.

Q. who are Ghana Gas' customers?

Ans: Ghana Gas's main customers are power generation companies (IPP's) and bulk distributors.

The Latest


Hard work is at the heart of human progress, at the heart of the oil and gas industry, and both are at the heart of our business.

Working at Ghana Gas

We offer an environment where you remain true to your aspirations.
Our employees are our priority:


The discovery of oil and gas reserves in the Jubilee Fields in 2007 signified a turning point in the developmental efforts of Ghana.

© 2018 Ghana Gas Company Limited

Nothing in these materials is an offer to sell any of the products or items referenced herein.
References to "Ghana Gas"; may mean Ghana Gas limited, or subsidiaries or business units within the Ghana Gas corporate structure, as applicable.
Materials that are as of a specific date, including but not limited to press releases, presentations, blog posts and webcasts, may have been superseded by subsequent events or disclosures.
Ghana Gas limited includes Ghana Gas's licensing business. Ghana Gas limited, wholly-owned Ghanaian company, operates, along with its subsidiaries, substantially all of Ghana Gas's engineering, research and development functions, and substantially all of its products and services businesses. Ghana Gas products referenced on this page are products of Ghana Gas Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.

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