We build, operate, process, and transport natural gas resources


Sustainable Businesses


Corporate Objectives

Maximize Profitability

The company shall efficiently deploy its resources and capital to attain profitability and to generate surpluses that can be deployed for rapid development of the gas industry in Ghana.

Become an Established and Reliable Supplier of Natural Gas Products

As a pioneering company in the Ghanaian economy, the company will strive to establish itself as a reliable supplier by deploying the best technology and technical management methods to ensure availability of its resources to the service of Ghanaian industry.

Efficiently Meet Ghana's Energy Demand

Ghana's ability to continue to develop largely depends on the availability of low cost energy for powering industries; one of GNGC's business functions is to augment the country's hydroelectric power supply by providing natural gas to the thermal segment of the power industry.

Contribute to the Development of Ghana's Economy

Through the production of natural gas liquids, the company is uniquely positioned to spawn the development of new petrochemical industries that will utilize its products as feedstock, and thereby expand Ghana's economy.

Safety and Protection of the Environment

The company shall strive to use the strictest environmental strategies and safety methods to ensure that its business success is not negatively offset by degradation of the environment or undue risk to personnel. This will be attained through the development of a world-class safety culture that will be imbued in all the ranks of the corporate body and thus ensure the protection of life and the environment within which it operates.

Development of a World Class Workforce

The company will leverage Ghana's traditional strength in academia to develop a highly trained and motivated world class workforce in short order, which will play a pivotal role in accelerating the development of Ghana's economy. This will be achieved through the development and adaption of training programs and the recruitment of experienced Ghanaian professionals to support the company.

Corporate Social Responsibilities

Vision Statement

Our vision is to successfully implement a Corporate Social Responsibility strategy that will improve the socio-economic and environmental welfare of inhabitants in Project catchment areas, resulting in sustainable growth and development.

Our Guiding Principles

Continuous improvement in the management, monitoring and mitigation of environmental impacts of our host community A Transparent , accountable, and inclusive approach to business operations Investing in people and building local capacity in the industry Contributing to livelihood enhancement and economic empowerment for local people


Through the use of effective Stakeholder Management strategies, Compensation, and Grievance Procedures, we ensure that negative impacts of our business operations on Project Affected People (PAP) are mitigated. We have also established Livelihood Enhancement & Empowerment Programs (LEEP), which are designed for implementation in PHASE 1 & 2 of the project, once the company begins commercial production. The main focus areas of the LEEP Program are, Agriculture & Food Security, Education & Training, Capacity Building, Small & Medium Sized Enterprise Building, Community Health, Water & Sanitation and Strategic Partnerships for Sustainable Community Development, and Protection of Local Culture & Heritage.

Our Efforts so Far

Stakeholder Management – Stakeholder engagement activities have been undertaken to ascertain community needs, sensitize the host community and seek collaborative decision making in key areas of concern. Compensation – Compensation covers loss of land, housing, infrastructure and crops. It also includes full replacement costs of destroyed structures as well as assistance in moving personal belongings. To date, a total of 58 (fifty-eight) communities consisting of 1,500 (one thousand, five hundred) farmers have been compensated for crop losses. Local Employment & Capacity Building – The Company has reserved job roles for local residents specifically in the areas of Community Affairs and Health & Safety, and over 50 such persons have been employed on contractual basis.

Protection of Local Culture and Heritage

We recognise the importance of indigenous culture and are committed to high level engagement with the local authorities to prevent potential conflicts arising from cultural misunderstandings.

The Environment

We live by our core value of respect for the environment which means striving to cause no harm to the people and the environment. Ghana Gas has adopted suitable globally acknowledged environmentally friendly technologies in its pipe laying activities so as to preserve our water bodies and vegetation.

Appropriate measures have been put in place to ensure that the management and disposal of our industrial waste conforms to the standards of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). We strive to reduce operational noise by enclosing all machines used in the construction and operational processes. We are heavily reliant on the environment and believe that our business would not survive without a sustainable environment.

HSSE Policy

Health Safety, Security and Environment Policy Statement

Ghana National Gas Company (Ghana Gas) policy is to conduct business in a manner that ensures the health and safety of people, and the protection of the environment, our assets and reputation. We integrate health, safety, security and environmental protection into every aspect of our business; We set goals that motivate each member of our workforce to contribute to our safety performance for continuous improvement; We protect the environment by contributing to global flare reduction, using materials and energy efficiently, and minimizing our emissions and discharges;
  • We comply with all applicable health, safety and environmental laws and regulations;
  • We are prepared for and can respond safely to any emergency to mitigate impacts;
  • We require and supervise our contractors to manage health, safety, and environment in line with our safety policy;
  • We engage positively with our stakeholders and conduct business in a socially responsible and ethical manner.

  • Key Principles

    We conduct our business on the basis of three key principles of safety that managers and supervisors reinforce; Do It Safely or Not At All. There Is Always Time To Do It Right. When In Doubt, Find Out

    At Ghana Gas everyone has "Stop Work Authority" and is obligated to exercise it when unsafe acts or conditions are observed.

    Tenets of Operation We pay constant attention to countless details in design, construction, and operation of facilities and the performance of our work. Our safety culture is based on Ten (10) Tenets of Operation, which form a code of conduct for our staff and contractors that managers and supervisors shall reinforce. These Tenets of Operation are intended to protect people, the environment, and our assets.

    Every employee and contractor personnel understands our Tenets of Operation. We always:
    1.Operate within design and environmental limits; 2.Operate in a safe and controlled condition; 3.Ensure safety devices are in place and functioning; 4.Follow safe work practices and procedures and act to stop unsafe conditions or actions; 5.Meet or exceed our customers' requirements; 6.Maintain integrity of dedicated systems; 7.Comply with all applicable laws and regulations; 8.Address abnormal conditions and clarify or understand procedures before proceeding; 9.Follow written procedures for high-risk or unusual situations; 10.Involve the right people in decisions that affect procedures and equipment.

    HR Philosophy

    Ghana Gas recognizes the contributions of its employees and treats each individual employee fairly and consistently in all matters to ensure the creation of a world-class workforce, with uniform application of the following human resource philosophies:

  • Human resource shall be best allocated to achieve optimum productivity and efficiency to ensure profitability.
  • Pay and benefits offered shall be fair, equitable and competitive as per its compensation policy.
  • Employees shall be encouraged and supported to equip themselves well for the present job and future development of the Company.
  • Reward shall be based on individual and team performance.
  • Two-way communications between employees and Management shall be promoted as a means of building mutual understanding and trust.
  • Safety shall be given top priority to protect the environment and life and enable employees deliver their best performance.

  • Local Content

  • Investment in Human Capital
  • Our contribution to strengthening a nascent industry
  • Empowerment and inclusion of nationals in the management of the Oil and Gas resources
  • Building up national capacity through training, skills & knowledge transfer and employment within the Industry

    Our Strategy

    By sourcing local goods and services and engaging local contractors and consultants we continuously provide opportunities for business and enterprise development. Key areas of focus in our local content policy include knowledge transfer, inclusivity and industry training.

    Knowledge Transfer

    Ghana Gas has engaged the services of AECOM, a specialist Oil and Gas Project Management Company to provide the key technical and managerial support skills needed to accelerate progress towards Commissioning of the project. The group will also focus on creating a Project Management Division of core project staff and strengthening the team through specialist training and skills transfer programs, which should lead to greater efficiency in Project implementation.

    Inclusivity & Capacity Building

    Ghana Gas is in the initial stages of implementing its wider Capacity Building plan to train over 100 Operations and Maintenance technicians in the key critical skills they need to operate the Gas Processing Plant. 60 of the successful trainees will be employed before the commissioning of the plant and this number is expected to increase once the Project expands into its full operational capacity. An estimated 25% of the trainee positions have been set aside for natives from the host Community in the Western Region.

    Education & Training

    Ghana Gas has also partnered established training Institutions in the Western Region including, Takoradi Polytechnic and Kikam Technical Institute to provide industry training in Operations and Maintenance (O&M), Gas Processing, Transportation and Welding. This will increase the opportunities for local residents to gain employment in the oil and gas service industry. Based on the success and measurable impact of our training programmes and partnership schemes within the community, we hope to further increase investment into educational and training programs by offering scholarships to gifted students. It is our intention once the project is fully commissioned, to implement a solely local hiring policy.

    Our Efforts So Far

    Over 60 different Ghanaian companies have been contracted by the Company to provide corporate services and supplies. Local Consultants have been employed throughout various points of the value chain to provide expertise in the following areas, technical, topographical, geotechnical, geodetic, Environmental Social Impact Assessment and Quality Assurance & Control. The Company has a labuor force of over 500 people in skilled and unskilled areas of employment. 100 engineers are currently being shortlisted to undertake training programs in operations and maintenance and maintenance of the Plant.
  • The Latest


    Hard work is at the heart of human progress, at the heart of the oil and gas industry, and both are at the heart of our business.

    Working at Ghana Gas

    We offer an environment where you remain true to your aspirations.
    Our employees are our priority:


    The discovery of oil and gas reserves in the Jubilee Fields in 2007 signified a turning point in the developmental efforts of Ghana.

    © 2018 Ghana Gas Company Limited

    Nothing in these materials is an offer to sell any of the products or items referenced herein.
    References to "Ghana Gas"; may mean Ghana Gas limited, or subsidiaries or business units within the Ghana Gas corporate structure, as applicable.
    Materials that are as of a specific date, including but not limited to press releases, presentations, blog posts and webcasts, may have been superseded by subsequent events or disclosures.
    Ghana Gas limited includes Ghana Gas's licensing business. Ghana Gas limited, wholly-owned Ghanaian company, operates, along with its subsidiaries, substantially all of Ghana Gas's engineering, research and development functions, and substantially all of its products and services businesses. Ghana Gas products referenced on this page are products of Ghana Gas Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.

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